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Evangelist Rich Tozour will once again be with us for a series of evangelistic services from Sunday, September 1 through Wednesday, Septemeber 4. (Click here to learn more about the Tozour Evangelistic Ministries.)

On Sunday, September 1:

  • We will have a combined Teen/Adult Connection Group in the Scott Auditorium at 9:45 AM at which Bro. Tozour will preach.
  • We will have our usual 11:00 AM service.
  • At 5:30 PM, we will all meet in the Scott Auditorium for the last Sunday evening Rejoice Service before we resume our fall/winter schedule. Bro. Tozour will preach during this service.

Also, on Sunday, September 1, we will be blessed by the ministry of the Lawson Family as they provide special music during the 11 AM and the 5:30 PM service.

On Monday through Wednesday nights, the services will begin at 7:00 PM in the Scott Auditorium,

Nursery will be provided during all the services.

Children's services will be held Monday through Wednesday nights.