Welcome to South Charlotte Baptist Church!
We're glad you're here!

If this is your first time at South Charlotte Baptist Church you are our welcomed guest! Please take a few moments to fill out our Connection Card to introduce yourself!

Today @ SCBC

  • 9:45 AM - Children's Bible Hour (Kirk Building) and Connection Groups
  • 11:00 AM - Morning Worship Service (Scott Auditorium)
  • No Choir Practice - Choir practice will resume on Sunday, January 5th.
  • 5:30 PM - Sunday Evening "Rejoice" Service (Master Clubs and Teen Extreme will resume on Sunday nigt, January 5th.)

Stay INformed!

Welcome to our Celebrate Christ Sunday! (12/22/24)

Copies of the Baptist Bread Daily Devotional are located at the Welcome Desk! They are free to those who will use them to spend time in God's Word.

Master Clubs and Teen Extreme will be taking a break for the next two weeks. (They will resume on Sunday night, January 5th.) So, on Sunday nights, Dec. 22nd and 29th, will be having services for the entire church family in the Scott Auditorium.

Teen/Family Snow Tubing Activity, Monday, February 17, 2025. Click here for more details.

Check out the latest news and updates from our missionaries from around the world: www.southcharlottebaptist.org/missions.

Do you have a prayer request? Send it to us via text at (704) 542-5536.

Would you be interested in participating in a missions trip this coming summer (likely in July) to visit our missionaries, the Palla Family? If interested, please click here and fill out our interest form.